Friday, February 9, 2007

Day 5

Yep, just finished my 5th day and I am fairly hungry. I may have made a slight mistake buying banana juice at the local supermarket- because I read later that it is not really juice, but 20% pureed bananas, which I think caused my digestive system to start working again and would explain my hunger today.

In Slate Magazine I read this interesting article by their "Human Guinea Pig" Emily Yoffe who subtitles her series "Humiliating myself for fun and profit." It's about life on a calorie-restricted diet.

Slate also has an ongoing series called "Blogging The Bible" by David Plotz, who comes up with some fresh insight into the Bible as seen through the eyes of a a non-practicing Jew. His writing style is breezy and funny, and pretty irreverent, but that's the way non-believers are. He's still entertaining and insightful. I read with regret that he won't blog the NT, which is too bad, because he might have gotten saved doing so.

Greece has great juices. Today, along with the banana, I bought a liter of pomegranate, and some combination juices.

I walked a fair bit today, and exercised some. I spent some time at my friend James McKee's house helping him with some video stuff. James is a good guy, a Christian worker with WEC who will be leaving the country and going back to the UK with his family in a couple months. He'll be missed.

The Jawa Report has this today:
"Coalition forces in Iraq have delivered a series of stunning blows to al Qaeda in Iraq in the last 48 hours." He concludes his post with the following: "So, will you see this in the news? No. You. Won't."

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